Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux. 量子力学和混沌理论都表明世界永远处于不断变化中。
In quantum mechanics itself there are many constructs that we cannot measure directly. 量子力学本身就存在着许多不能直接测量的概念。
In this example we exploited the quantum mechanics principle of superposition. 本例中,我们利用了量子力学的叠加原理。
For the extremely small particles studied in a field of research called quantum mechanics, nature gets strange. 对于一个所谓的量子力学研究领域的研究非常小的颗粒,自然变得奇怪。
Quantum mechanics is an unambiguous and quantitative theory. 量子力学是一个明确的和定量的理论。
Relativity and quantum mechanics have radically altered our picture of nature. 相对论和量子力学已经从根本上改变了我们对大自然的看法。
But it does happen in quantum mechanics. 但它在量子力学中就发生了。
The first three chapters deal with various aspects of the relativistic quantum mechanics of free particles. 开始三章阐述了自由粒子的相对论量子力学的多个方面。
Condensed Matter and Optics; Quantum Information and Computation; Quantum Mechanics. 凝聚态物质与光学;量子信息与量子计算;量子力学。
Incompatibility of between Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity and the Relation with the object of Research of Physics 量子力学和相对论的不相容性与物理学研究对象的关系
The fundamental laws of physics, according to the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, are probabilistic. 物理学的基本法则,根据量子力学的标准解释来说,这都是概率决定的。
Is not just a property of quantum mechanics, it's the property. 并不只是量子力学概念下的一个特性,而是万物的通性。
Quantum communication is a rising interdisciplinary field which combines classical communication and quantum mechanics. 量子通信是经典通信和量子力学相结合的一门新兴交叉学科。
I also followed a course in quantum mechanics and performed my first computations with Roald Hoffmann. 我也上了一些量子力学的课程,并与罗阿尔德·霍夫曼一起完成了我的第一次计算。
Application of quantum mechanics to atomic structure, molecular bonding, and spectroscopy gives us quantum chemistry. 将量子力学应用于原子结构,分子键及光谱学即形成量子化学。
Still, non-relativistic quantum mechanics is also used due to its simplicity and when relativistic effects are relatively small. 尽管如此,也使用非相对性量子力学,由于其简单而当相对论作用相对小时候。
Quantum mechanics scored first in providing an explanation of atomic structure. 量子力学首先在提供对原子结构的说明中取得成功。
In quantum mechanics the particle need not have a definite energy. 在量子力学中,粒子并不需要具有确定的能量。
Today, in our Mathematical Quantum Mechanics lecture, I put my foot in my mouth. 今天,在我们的数学量子力学讲座,我把我的脚在我的嘴里。
Since its inception, the many counter-intuitive results of quantum mechanics have provoked strong philosophical debate and many interpretations. 从开始以来,量子力学很多反直觉结果已经掀起了哲学辩论和许多解释。
Courses of study include relativity theory, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, and advanced calculus. 课程有相对论、量子力学、核物理和高级运算。
In this chapter we shall consider some of the basic postulates and theorems of quantum mechanics. 本章我们将阐述量子力学的一些基本假设和原理。
In some cases, both general relativity and quantum mechanics converge. 在某些情形里,广义相对论和量子力学集中于一点。
The relationship between conservation quantity and symmetry transformation in Quantum mechanics is discussed. 对非完整力学系统存在守恒量的数目进行了研究。
So, molecular orbital theory, on the other hand, is based on quantum mechanics. 另一方面分子轨道理论,是基于量子力学的。
As currently understood, general relativity and quantum mechanics are incompatible. 就现在的理解,广义相对论和量子力学是不相容的。
Quantum mechanics and relativity have revealed the boundaries of validity of classical mechanics. 量子力学和相对论,揭示了经典力学的适用范围。
Quantum mechanics provides probabilistic results because the physical universe is itself probabilistic rather than deterministic. 量子力学提供了概率结果,因为物质宇宙本身是随机而不是确定性。
This understanding is a necessary prerequisite for additional study of Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics. 这是学习电磁学、量子力学和统计力学等后继课程所必需的。
The Applications of Fractional Calculus in Quantum Mechanics and Anomalous Diffusion Equations 分数阶微积分在量子力学和反常扩散方程中的应用